Electric Vehicle and Insurance: What Changes in Coverage Should You Expect?

Electric vehicles are non-fuel-based; hence, people are shifting towards non-polluting alternatives to traditional gasoline cars. They run with pure electricity rather than fuel, hence making them very different in many ways. It is due to these differences that the insurance for EVs is also different. For instance, EVs have highly expensive batteries and require special […]

6 Low-Cost Motor Insurance Plans for Car and Bike Owners

Owning a car or a bike feels wonderful but it also comes with the responsibility of protecting your vehicle with the right insurance. Finding low-cost motor insurance is the priority of most vehicle owners since it promises financial security and peace of mind without big yearly renewal costs.   With so many insurance companies offering motor […]

How to Renew Bike or Car Insurance Online: Motor Insurance Renew Guide! 

Renewal of car/bike insurance is a crucial step to ensure continuous coverage and protection against uncertainties that may occur on the road. Owning a car or bike automatically brings the responsibility to maintain the vehicle in proper condition.  There are majorly two methods through which renewal of car/bike insurance can be done.  There are various […]

8 Benefits of Motor Insurance Policy in India

In the buzzing streets of India, where every road brings a new adventure, owning a private vehicle is not just a convenience but a basic necessity. With the road expansion also occurring in the major rural areas of India, motor vehicles have become a vital companion in our day-to-day life commutes. However, the excitement of […]

What Does Car Insurance Cover? Everything Explained

Imagine you’re driving home from work in your car. It’s a rainy night and suddenly… a car swerves into your lane and you have an accident. Once you get a hold of yourself, you thank the god and car insurance.  Car insurance policies have saved countless people from financial disasters after accidents. But in India, […]