Why You Should Never Travel Without Insurance?

Traveling is one hell of an adventure; one gets to know about the new culture and tastes a plethora of cuisines. He brings back lots and lots of memories. Be it a weekend, a small vacation, or a large beautiful international holiday, the list of what to pack kind of never ends, but there is this one thing without which you have to never leave your house: travel insurance. 

However redundant that may sound to some in paying an extra premium in the process of traveling, be sure that travel insurance definitely provides peace of mind and financial security during travel.

One may need to understand what the travel insurance covers. This shall provide you with a safety net against a range of unforeseen circumstances that would otherwise kill your plans for travel. 

Herein is a breakdown of the cover provided by any typical, comprehensive travel insurance policy:

Medical Emergencies: 

This happens to be one of the most essential features of travel insurance. Treatment abroad for medical conditions can be pretty expensive, and your domestic health insurance plan may not even cover the international healthcare expenses. Good travel insurance ensures coverage against medical expenses, be it for hospitalization, surgery, or even emergency medical evacuations. Let me explain this with an example: suppose you are going for a trek in the Himalayas and you hurt yourself; now, your travel insurance will pick up the tab for getting you to the right place for medical care.

Cancellations and Delays: 

Life is full of uncertainties. Sometimes you may have to cancel or postpone your trip due to some personal reasons, bad weather, or hijacks and natural disasters. That is where travel insurance comes to help, giving refunds on nonrefundable expenses, flight tickets, hotel reservations, and tour packages.

Baggage and Personal Effects Loss: 

You can be taken to the land of your dreams, only to arrive and find that the luggage has been misplaced or stolen. An allowance will be allowed to the assured person for loss caused by a mislaid or stolen bag, personal belongings, or travel documents; this is inclusive of a passport if among the causalities. This shall be relevant where you are carrying expensive goods such as cameras, laptops, and jewelry.

Personal Liability: 

An accident may happen anywhere and at any time. If you have accidentally caused some injury to a person or damaged anyone’s property during your travel, your travel insurance can bear the expenses incurred on account of legal fees and the same compensation.

Hijack Distress Allowance: 

Remainders are: Hijackings can and do happen; it can be customarily pernicious being put in such a state. Some of the travel insurance policies offer this distress benefit, hence giving some relieve.

Why Indian Travelers Require Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is no longer important just to an international Indian traveler but also to the domestic traveler. The huge and diversified nature of the country equates to differing levels of infrastructural and healthcare facilities across regions within the country. These are some of the reasons among many that justify why the Indian traveler should always go for travel insurance:

Medical Expenses: The medical expenditure can get too high while you are in India, especially if it admits you into some private hospital. This is where travel insurance comes in—it may cover such expenses, making sure that you do not pay all of the costs out of pocket.

Flight Delays and Cancellations: Indian airports act as a hub for a lot of delays and cancellations, especially during monsoon. A travel insurance policy will help in claiming a refund for such disruptions and provides cover for additional expenditures like booking hotel stay or other travel arrangements.

Adventure Sports: India—right from paragliding in Manali to scuba diving in the Andamans—is immensely varied. With that comes a fair degree of risk attached, and that’s where adventure sports travel insurance could be a lifesaver in case of accidents.

Here’s how travel insurance can help you recover the cost and make arrangements for urgent travel documents if: within India or any foreign nation, you have misplaced your baggage or important documents during your trip. While opting for a travel insurance policy in India, one must focus on the requirements and the kind of travel to be undertaken. 

The following are the points one should bear in mind:

Sum Insured: It should be a sum insured which gives a good amount to meet all the expenses incurred because of medical emergencies, cancellation of trips, or loss of baggage. In the case of international traveling, the sum insured has to be on the higher side since the charges abroad are substantially high.

Inclusions and Exclusions: The insured needs to go through the policy document and check what is covered and under what circumstances, and what is not covered. Some of the policies may not cover pre-existing medical conditions or high-risk adventure activities like bungee jumping, rafting, or even travel to some countries.

Network Hospitals and Cashless Facility: Check whether the insurance company maintains a list of hospitals with whom they share the facility of cashless treatment. This would be very helpful during times of emergency, relieving one from the compulsion to pay the medical bills before the treatment.

Claims Settlement: Make sure the claim settlement process is hassle-free. Do check the record of the insurer in settling claims and their reviews for customer service.

Add-Ons and Riders: Based on the type of travel requirements you have, your policy may need add-ons. These could be in terms of adventure sports coverage, home burglary insurance, or something as basic as coverages for senior citizens.

This type of insurance is often forgotten by most travelers, especially first-timers, due to many misconceptions. Let’s debunk some of these myths:

“I’m Healthy, So I Don’t Need It”: Just because you’re in perfect health doesn’t mean an accident or a sudden illness cannot happen. Travel insurance is all about protecting yourself from the unexpected—not just covering pre-existing conditions.

“It’s Too Expensive”: Actually, most travel insurance is very pocket-friendly apart from offering a cover of financial protection. It is actually a fact that most of the cost goes to the price which you might not have to pay in case you are not covered.

“I Only Need It for International Trips”: This is provided in the above point, and it is of equal importance whether you are traveling domestically or internationally. After all, an accident, illness, or travel disruptions can occur absolutely anywhere.

“My Credit Card Covers Everything”: While most credit cards offer travel insurance, the coverage is usually limited and not comprehensive, often excluding important areas like medical emergencies or cancellations. One should read the fine print and ensure adequate coverage.

How to Buy Travel Insurance in India

Travel insurance can be pretty much hassle-free when bought in India. You can buy it directly from the providers of insurance, travel agents, or even online directly through your airline or travel agent. Here’s how you can do it:

Compare Policies:

This step involves the comparison of different travel insurance policies. The comparison websites use coverage, premium, and customer review.

Fill up the application:

Once you have selected the policy, you will need to fill the form with your personal and travel details. Be honest and truthful so that you are not harassed during claim cases.

Make the Payment:

Pay the premium online by the medium of payment that best suits you. Upon receiving the premium, we will email the policy documents to you as an attachment in the response email. You must keep the documents with you while travelling.

Contact Information: Put the contact information of your insurance company in your telephone or on paper so that you can contact it whenever the emergency situation arises.

Real Life Situations Where Travel Insurance Has Been Beneficial

To know how essential travel insurance is to people, look at some of the real-life situations where taking travel insurance came in handy a lot:

1. Medical Emergency During a Trip Abroad

Say that you are having that dream holiday in Europe, and all of a sudden, you are down with an acute infection in the stomach. The local hospital takes you under its care service, but the amounts on the bills are too more than you would ever like to pay. On the other hand, without travel insurance, you yourself would be responsible for footing those bills, which might deplete your bank account very soon. A good travel insurance policy will cover medical expenses such as hospitalization, medicine, and even an extended stay if you need to recuperate.

2. Cancellation due to Family Emergency

You had planned out that long-awaited trip to Australia when a day before the departure, a close member of your family fell critically ill. You were compelled to cancel your trip. Without a travel insurance cover, you would lose the non-refundable costs for the prepaid flights and hotel bookings and tour packages. But with this, one can claim these pre-paid expenses, so that at least financially, one does not have to suffer an additional loss after suffering an emotional loss.

3. Baggage Lost in Domestic Flight

You are going to Delhi from Mumbai for a business meeting. Unfortunately, after reaching Delhi, you find out that your suitcase, which contained important documents and formal wear for the meeting, is missing. Travel insurance would take care of the cost entailed to acquire new clothes and essentials and compensate for the lost materials. You could carry on with your work without stressing your head further.

4. Natural Calamity:

You are on an absolutely dream vacation in Kerala during the onset of the monsoon season, wherein the rain intervenes and floods the area, sweeps away your vacation, and overstay is a compulsion. The policy covers overstay charges at the hotel and losses due to a delayed return flight, so these are not the only payments you need to make. These additional costs and losses in the booking of hotels for accommodation and food are reclaimable in your travel policy. The policy counts all non-refundable expenses that you booked in advance but could not use as a loss.

To Know Before Getting Travel Insurance in India

These are a couple of things to bear in mind when getting travel insurance in India:

1. Pre-Existing Condition Cover

If you happen to have any pre-existing condition, then it is imperative to buy a travel insurance policy that has coverage for pre-existing conditions. While some policies do not offer coverage for them, some provide coverage with an additional premium. To avoid any last-minute problems during claims, you must ensure that you disclose all conditions honestly.

2. High-Risk Area Travel

If your travel is going to take you into areas that have built a proven reputation for some type of risk—perhaps they have political instability or are disaster-prone—you will want to make sure the travel protection you buy provides for such events. Some insurers may append an exclusion onto the policy if you’re going to a high-risk destination, so you’ll need to read the entire policy.

3. Senior Citizens and Family Travel

If you are traveling with senior citizens or as a family, check under special coverage under the policies. Senior citizens would want to increase their medical coverage while family policies often come more cost-effective and give comprehensive protection to all members.

4. Group Travel Insurance

There is group travel insurance available that covers a large group of people while abroad. This can be useful for students going on an educational tour or corporate teams who often travel for business. The like policies cover a whole group of persons under one plan and offer equal protection at a lower cost per person.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Leave Home Without It

One of the more unamusing parts of the travel checklist—less so than coming up with an itinerary or even packing one’s bags—yet travel insurance is so vital for any travel preparation. Whether you’re traveling within India’s rich cultural heritage or internationally, travel insurance helps you prepare for unexpected events. It’s not much of a financial thing, but more of the easy peace of mind since whatever happens, you always have a safety net you can fall back on.

AapkaPolicyWala is dedicated to helping people like you and your families navigate the complex world of insurance in India. Whether you need the best travel, health, or life insurance, AapkaPolicyWala provides all the details, expert advice, and easy comparisons you need to make a decision. We have created a major dedicated channel to make insurance easy and ensure you get proper coverage, so you can live hassle-free and secure your financial future.

Protect yourself before adventure. Remember to travel smarter and safer with confidence throughout the journey, as you have travel insurance for every moment.